RAW foods helps to reduce acidity in our bodies, decrease inflammation, and increase the amount of enzymes we consume to make digestion and absorption of nutrients easier.
Heating food kills enzymes and nutrients when you cook over 112-118 degrees.
Well-cooked foods can increase our white blood cell count which initiates an inflammatory response (like when we have infections!)
This is why eating processed foods should be kept to a minimum... no good nutrients, enzymes, or antioxidants are left in these foods processed at high temperatures.
Wild Greens Pesto
Ingredients: + 2 cloves of garlic + 3 cups of washed, coarsely chopped wild greens (wild turnip, watercress, radish tops, onion grass, chickweed, dandelion greens, and/or purple dead nettles) + 4 ounces of organic extra virgin olive oil + half a cup of freshly toasted or raw sprouted whole pecans, cashews, pumpkin seeds or walnuts + salt to taste + 1.5 ounces Parmesan cheese (optional) Add all ingredients but the greens to a food processor then blend by slowly adding the greens, blending, and adding more greens until your pesto is coarsely ground. Feel free to add more olive oil for a creamier consistently. Recipe from @flowerandbonesupply